Information is not enough to eradicate stereotypes and prejudices: exciting stories are needed.
Examples to emulate. And someone who knows how to tell those stories.
We have devised… something capable of transtorming our weakness – tragmentation – into wealth. We have created a tool to mobilize institutions and hearts, both locally and nationally.
Photographies Giovanni Diffidenti
Voicies Lella Costa and Claudio Bisio
Project Giangi Milesi
Texts Roberto Caselli
Art direction Elisa Roncoroni
Italian campaign
Parkinson Italia (logo)
Proudly supported by Abbie (logo + Payoff)
English video direction Giuseppe Goisis
Translation and Adaptation
Giuseppe Goisis e Manuela Lucchese
Voices Giuseppe Goisis e Manuela Lucchese
Music lan Post
Video Ruggero Bosso e Giuseppe Goisis
Recordings TUM TUM Studio
Supported by Abbie whitout condition